How to create a fabric from a color palette inspired by a picture

Elisabeth Hawk
4 min readJan 23, 2021


From a keyword, generate a random color palette and inject it into a textile fabric pattern. Only desktop for the time being.

Final result using the mapping module for fashion.

First of all go to and enter a keyword or generate a random one. Here, “red flower”.

Fabric design made online and used with Abstraktion & Clo3D

You can even activate the microphone and say the keyword, then you can save the 6 colors palette by saying “ok”.

Generate a color palette online from a keyword and an image.
Left button generates a random keyword and a palette, right one generates a new palette from a new random image with the actual keyword.

Click on the save (bookmark) button to save the current palette. Actually it’s not possible to modify the colors, but it will soon !

Then you can open a new tab or window with, you will see this palette set with a default fabric pattern.

Fabric pattern online, repeatable texture which can we used in an Adobe product such as Photoshop, Illustrator or Clo3D.
Palette color swatch for Photoshop, Illustrator.
a,b,c,d,e,f represent the 6 threads colored by the palette that you can use into the formula to draw the fabric.
Create a fabric textile online.

300a means you’ll repeat 300 times a thread, 50e : 50 times e thread, etc. 746 x 746 is the thread count for warp and weft. u > v and v > u buttons inject warp and weft formulas into opposite. Random generates a random formula, update draws it.

“Download” will download the generated repeatable texture into your device so you’ll be able to use it in any other graphic solution such as Photoshop, Illustrator or Clo3D. Even if you’re not working for the textile industry or as a stylist into the fashion industry, you may use them for game design with a 3D software and use it as a texture on a character for Unity 3D, for exemple.

Changing the formula :

textile texture for 3d games
automatic color generation

Activating this button will automatically fetch and redraw the fabric with the latest color palette generated by the color application.

color variant for a fabric design
Color variant for the fabric design.

Then you can download the jpg fabric and use it in any other software as a repeatable texture.

jpg texture for fashion

It’s possible to use this fabric design into the online saas platform for fashion designers to get mapping simulations on different garments or accessories such as shoes.

Fabric mapping on scarf with colorways.
Fabric mapping and colorways on a bath suit.
Fabric mapping details on a bath suit.
Fabric mapping on a stiletto with colorways.
Fabric mapping on a shoe with colorways.
Fabric mapping on a shoe heel.
Detail of the mapping on the shoe.
Fabric mapping on a dress.
Fabric mapping on a dress.

Visit the saas platform for fashion designers



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